Thursday, December 6, 2007

buenos dias--i mean--good morning?

i have officially applied for my visa. it is now time to wait and get excited. (and pray that it gets done so i can pick it up before my flight on the 3rd).
when i went in to the chilean consolute yesterday to drop it off, the woman in the office greeted me with a kind "buenos dias." immediately, my mind and heart were racing. should i speak spanish? what if she responds and i don't know what she says? what if she asks important questions that i don't understand? but, i've heard they can be pretty mean in here, maybe it'll help if i speak spanish...
so what did i do? i chickened out.
"good morning," i responded. "i need to apply for my visa."

i'm sure i won't display weakness like that once i'm there, right? i'll have to assume that people do not speak english, so i'll have to just risk it y hablar castellano (spanish). i won't have a choice, so i'll just have to put my pride aside and make a fool of myself sometimes. or all the time.
ojala que tenga paciencia la gente. (hopefully the people will have patience.)

another small excitement:
yesterday while i was at work, i started reading through a packet about chile that the program director gave us in preparation for the trip. as i was reading the section about "the people of chile" i became overly excited upon reading that "although generally shy and reserved at first, the people are known for their dry, witty and sarcastic sense of humor." maybe i will fit in after all!
this is something i've been thinking about a lot lately. after talking with my roommate megan (who spent 7 months this year in argentina), i've been really reflecting on what it will be like to express myself in spanish. i already become flustered and unable to speak upon seeing the spanish professor i like a little too much, what will happen when i have to express EVERY emotion in this other language. as spazzy and awkward as i am in english sometimes, i can only imagine how that will be in spanish. but perhaps, if i can simply master spanish sarcasm, and connect with some people who respond to that, i'll fit in perfectly despite my 5'10 1/2" north american frame.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I guess I'm impressed with more than just your spanish and meditative ponderings on Chili, I am totally impressed that you were up and thinking at 6 am. I know your thoughts are revolving around "emoting" in Spanish but I'm more thinking about missing you for 7 months. I'm glad you started this blog. At least I can keep up with your travels while I sit at my desk at home. Love you! Mom