Friday, March 7, 2008

a few more fotos

ok, so heres another one of maggie and me at the torres, with a better view of the laguna in the middle.

i'm in love with this one of a fishing boat on a little straight in puerta natales.

maggie and i hiking

me and some people we met sitting on the "beach" at the foot of a glacier

a hilarious one that looks fake and photoshopped, but is completely real.

ok, then after these, blogger decided to stop uploading my pics. so, again, there will be more.
i hope this post finds everyone well and happy and peaceful. unless you're in texas or ohio, and then i hope you're thinking about what you've done...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES! Shame on you texans and ohions. Doesn't that look like "onions?" HA!