Monday, October 3, 2011


i am still here.

i am thinking of the fading summer,
and the emerging fall.
i am thinking of distance
and solitude.
i am infinitely jesting
and foolishly investing
in cheap wine.
and i am thinking
about smiling.


"Those who are beautiful—
who can keep them as they are?
Unceasingly in their faces
the life in them arises and goes forth.
Like dew from morning grass,
like steam from a plate of food,
what is ours goes out from us.

Where does a smile go, or the upward glance,
the sudden warm movement of the heart?
Yet that is what we are. Does the universe
we dissolve into
taste of us a little?"

'Where does a smile go?' by R.M. Rilke


Farm-Raised said...

mmmmm....lovely. would you believe every bit of this post made me smile? love you.

Megan said...

kait, this is a beautifully grace-filled post. it is so gentle... as if you placed your palm on Life's shoulder just to say, "I am here. I am watching you."