Saturday, August 6, 2011

t.t.m.m.h (things that make me happy)

- finally writing again about things that make me happy! it's been way too long.

- evening bike rides.

- raw tofu. it's cheap and cold and delicious.

- going to the local library and checking out the following books: player piano by kurt vonnegut (kind of on a vonnegut kick right now), rabbit at rest by john updike, macbeth by william shakespeare, tokyo sketches by pete hamil, and the penguin book of international short stories 1945-1985. i like a little variety (or randomness?).

- the privilege of having a nice apartment to come home to, a fan to sit in front of, and even an air conditioner to use if necessary, when it's this hot.

- finding myself thinking in japanese sometimes! finally!

- house plants. i know have 3! one is even about 2 months old! (i've never kept a plant alive that long before.)

- having the opportunity to be in such a dynamic country at such an interesting time in (its and world) history.

1 comment:

Papa Frank said...

I love reading your blog, it makes me happy. I am going to check out a few of the books you mentioned for my kindle.