Thursday, September 30, 2010

things that make me happy - 9.29.10

- thrift stores.

- sitting in my big red robe, sipping coffee (such as now).

- live music. i'm going to a show tomorrow night (jesca hoop and the eels), which i'm pretty excited about. and actually, i get to see a friend play with his band louis and the hunt, which will also be great.

- i reiterate: people who love what they do and want to do it really well. (can you tell i'm reading ayn rand right now?)

- accents and languages. i worked last night with a girl who had just moved from italy, a bartender from russia, and a waiter from serbia. and of course, much of the staff is also from latin america, which is awesome because it means i can pretty much speak spanish whenever i want.

1 comment:

Papa Frank said...

It was great talking with you today. I love hearing your excitement about your experiences and new people to meet. I am looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks.