Friday, June 11, 2010

disappointment comes from expectations, while peace comes from taking one moment at a time

this title is an idea i have studied and thought about a lot over the past six months or so. and even more so over the past few weeks as i prepared for this summertime adventure. when i (i can speak only for myself) take the time to really think about it, i think it makes a lot of sense. only when we are expecting something very specific can we be disappointed that it doesn't turn out that way. however, if we choose to take each moment as it comes and to (try to) be fully present in those moments, we cannot be disappointed by a future to which we have not attached expectations.

as i prepare to leave tomorrow, i recognize that of course i have certain expectations for the summer. i expect to be hot. i expect to learn a lot. i expect to be challenged in many ways. and i expect to be really, really hot. but beyond that, i'm trying not to be too specific. rather than be in a state in which i'm constantly evaluating how things are different than what i expected, i hope to be constantly evaluating how things are beautiful, new, ancient, terrifying, life-giving, challenging, and part of a part of me that i have never known and yet known forever.

but, of course, i do expect to learn some new dance moves.

i will try to post when i can. thank you for reading. and please be in touch!

love and peace to you and yours and all.


Papa Frank said...

I think you have heard me say that years ago I heard in a workshop that all stress comes from loss of relationship. As the years have gone by, I believe this more than ever. Expectations are in most cases a current relationship, upcoming relationship, or anticipated relationship between you and someone else or you and someone you are yet to meet. I think your thoughts related to expectations and disappointment are very much in tume with the stress and loss of relationship idea. If we live in the moment and enjoy each new relationship while treasuring the relationships that we already have with others, our lives are richer, more positive, and peaceful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am looking forward to seeing and learning more through your eyes and our discussions. It was great seeing you yesterday. I enjoyed our time together, as well as the great vegetatrian lunch. Have a wonderful trip.

Megan said...

can you post a dance move?

i´ve been thinking about your title as well for quite some time. for me, i´ve focused on not hoping. hope implies expectations. which could lead to disappointment. so i´m reflecting on being open, and taking things as they come. and being present. i love your post.